The Heritage of the Dog
by Col. David Hancock
Breed historians of the really big breeds make much reference to Molossian dogs in their writings. But the flock guardians and, indeed, the hunting mastiffs predate the dogs of the Molossian people, who probably got their mastiffs from Assyria and merely had their huge flock guarding dogs just as every other sheep-owning community did…………………………. It is surprising that so many of the breeds have survived, for the dogs of the shepherds have been undervalued, underrated and ill-used down the centuries, despite their remarkable service, considerable intelligence and commendable faithfulness.
If you take the Anatolian shepherd dog as an example, this breed has survived the dismissive Turkish attitude towards the domestic dog, the traditional Moslem contempt for all dogs, the harsh terrain and demanding climate of its native land and many millennia of contrasting cultures. The greatest threat to its future, paradoxically, lies in its Kennel Club (note: the all breed club in England) recognition which, sadly, brings with it deterioration in physique and loss of working use. This breed has survived because of its value to sensible shepherds in remote areas, rather than through the interest of the urban intelligentsia. If it is not to go the way of our own pastoral breeds, it will demand an exceptional breed council or collection of clubs and devotees more interested in sound dogs than a cabinet full of trophies. Dogs from such a distinguished heritage merit honourable custodianship in the future.
There are dangers in the wording of the approved breed standard in such a breed. Phrases like 'heavy head', 'slightly pendulous black lips' and 'rather small eyes' tend to encourage faddists who prefer to pursue such breed points rather than overall sound dogs. In twenty years time you could see Anatolian shepherd dogs as loose-lipped, slobbering, shortmuzzled specimens with tiny piggy eyes, quite unlike their ancestors. Look at the bulldog's muzzle, the bullterrier's skull, the bloodhound's forehead and the chow's eyes for the evidence of such 'improvement'. Working dogs which wore spiked collars, had their ears cropped, fought wolves, gave birth to their pups in a hole in the ground and slept out of doors in the snow and chill wind deserve a better fate than becoming victim to misguided Western beauty-show breed-point faddists. Arguments about coat colour and mis-marking, shape of ears and carriage of tail are petty relative to the need to breed strapping, soundly-constructed, correctly-moving, congenital disease-free dogs of good temperament. The Anatolian shepherd dog is a truly magnificent breed thoroughly deserving of being perpetuated in its time-honoured mould and not subject to the whim of a dominant breeder or misguided clique. It is depressing therefore to learn of problems in the breed, largely created by fanciers. Would a hard-working Turkish shepherd think colour at all important? Would he want a mastiff, developed to pull down big game by primitive hunters in charge of his flock? Would he retain sickly pups, unmanageable dogs or 'angstbeissers'?
If we have the privilege of owning a dog from one of these flock guardian breeds, we should respect its origins, revere its lineage and honour its heritage. Humble shepherds from Iberia to the Caucasus have for thousands of years bred these dogs to a high standard and we owe it to them and their splendid dogs to continue this work. We must remember the essential criteria which has led to these dogs developing as such magnificent examples of the canine race. All the breed enthusiasts should keep in mind the plea on behalf of working dogs made by 'Ikey' Bell the famous foxhound breeder.
'Cherish us for our courage
Instead of our looks;
Look on us more as comrades,
And less as Picture books.'"
My Notes:
Col Hancock’s book can still be purchased on Amazon and is well worth the investment
Although Walker is a show dog, I believe deeply in what Col. Hancock is saying here. Preserving the Anatolian’s working ability is one of our greatest charges as stewards of the breed. I am inordinately proud of the fact that Walker (the quintessential unemployed working dog) has produced pups who are currently working on ranches in California and Colorado. Of course it helps that he was bred to a great working bitch!
Breed historians of the really big breeds make much reference to Molossian dogs in their writings. But the flock guardians and, indeed, the hunting mastiffs predate the dogs of the Molossian people, who probably got their mastiffs from Assyria and merely had their huge flock guarding dogs just as every other sheep-owning community did…………………………. It is surprising that so many of the breeds have survived, for the dogs of the shepherds have been undervalued, underrated and ill-used down the centuries, despite their remarkable service, considerable intelligence and commendable faithfulness.
If you take the Anatolian shepherd dog as an example, this breed has survived the dismissive Turkish attitude towards the domestic dog, the traditional Moslem contempt for all dogs, the harsh terrain and demanding climate of its native land and many millennia of contrasting cultures. The greatest threat to its future, paradoxically, lies in its Kennel Club (note: the all breed club in England) recognition which, sadly, brings with it deterioration in physique and loss of working use. This breed has survived because of its value to sensible shepherds in remote areas, rather than through the interest of the urban intelligentsia. If it is not to go the way of our own pastoral breeds, it will demand an exceptional breed council or collection of clubs and devotees more interested in sound dogs than a cabinet full of trophies. Dogs from such a distinguished heritage merit honourable custodianship in the future.
There are dangers in the wording of the approved breed standard in such a breed. Phrases like 'heavy head', 'slightly pendulous black lips' and 'rather small eyes' tend to encourage faddists who prefer to pursue such breed points rather than overall sound dogs. In twenty years time you could see Anatolian shepherd dogs as loose-lipped, slobbering, shortmuzzled specimens with tiny piggy eyes, quite unlike their ancestors. Look at the bulldog's muzzle, the bullterrier's skull, the bloodhound's forehead and the chow's eyes for the evidence of such 'improvement'. Working dogs which wore spiked collars, had their ears cropped, fought wolves, gave birth to their pups in a hole in the ground and slept out of doors in the snow and chill wind deserve a better fate than becoming victim to misguided Western beauty-show breed-point faddists. Arguments about coat colour and mis-marking, shape of ears and carriage of tail are petty relative to the need to breed strapping, soundly-constructed, correctly-moving, congenital disease-free dogs of good temperament. The Anatolian shepherd dog is a truly magnificent breed thoroughly deserving of being perpetuated in its time-honoured mould and not subject to the whim of a dominant breeder or misguided clique. It is depressing therefore to learn of problems in the breed, largely created by fanciers. Would a hard-working Turkish shepherd think colour at all important? Would he want a mastiff, developed to pull down big game by primitive hunters in charge of his flock? Would he retain sickly pups, unmanageable dogs or 'angstbeissers'?
If we have the privilege of owning a dog from one of these flock guardian breeds, we should respect its origins, revere its lineage and honour its heritage. Humble shepherds from Iberia to the Caucasus have for thousands of years bred these dogs to a high standard and we owe it to them and their splendid dogs to continue this work. We must remember the essential criteria which has led to these dogs developing as such magnificent examples of the canine race. All the breed enthusiasts should keep in mind the plea on behalf of working dogs made by 'Ikey' Bell the famous foxhound breeder.
'Cherish us for our courage
Instead of our looks;
Look on us more as comrades,
And less as Picture books.'"
My Notes:
Col Hancock’s book can still be purchased on Amazon and is well worth the investment
Although Walker is a show dog, I believe deeply in what Col. Hancock is saying here. Preserving the Anatolian’s working ability is one of our greatest charges as stewards of the breed. I am inordinately proud of the fact that Walker (the quintessential unemployed working dog) has produced pups who are currently working on ranches in California and Colorado. Of course it helps that he was bred to a great working bitch!