Fiesta Cluster under Judge Robert Shreve March 2012
Fiesta Cluster under Judge Vern Harvey March 2012
Tucson Kennel Club November 2011
Tucson Kennel Club November 2011...hmmmmm stacked like a Dane.
Grand Champion! April 2011 Walker was in the first 10 Anatolians to receive his Grand Championship
Walker won the 2008 Regional Specialty at 13 months of age
This is when I knew I was in trouble. Walker won three 4 pt majors taking Breed over Specials in one weekend at the age of 10 months. Note: I did not buy a show dog, I bought a companion. I just insist on companions with good structure. So, instead of enjoying a graceful old age, I am loading tons of junk into the van, becoming active in Scottsdale Dog Fanciers, the Anatolian Shepherd Dog Club, Anatolian Shepherd Dog International, and doing without what others consider necessities in order to finance my obsession. Ah well, you know what they say about the best laid plans.........